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3 Nays

Beginner’s Guide to JavaScript Promises
This tutorial delivers the promise of JavaScript Promises to the uninitiated!
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1 Yays
4 Nays

eFluid Responsive Top Menu
A responsive top menu that adapts to different devices and screen sizes elegantly, using CSS media queries only to trigger the different breaking points.
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1 Yays
2 Nays

Slide Up Tabs
This menu uses CSS3 transitions and pseudo elements to create tabs that slide up.
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2 Yays
0 Nays

Creating a sticky header bar using jQuery and CSS
This tutorial dissects the making of a well engineered sticky header using jQuery and CSS.
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1 Yays
0 Nays

JavaScript Arrow Functions overview
A comprehensive look at ECMAscript 6's Arrow Function syntax and why it's poised to replace anonymous functions in JavaScript.
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1 Yays
0 Nays

Favicon Editor
This canvas based tool lets you create a 16x16 png icon from scratch or an existing png icon, using just a modern browser.
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5 Yays
0 Nays

CSS3 Image Caption effects
Flexible image caption effects, by transitioning HTML's <figcaption> element.
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5 Nays

Creating an off-canvas menu using CSS3
This tutorial walks the user through the creation of the iconic off-canvas side menu from scratch using CSS3.
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3 Yays
1 Nays

Mobile full screen expand menu
This pure CSS mobile full screen menu expands itself to fill the whole page when activated.
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1 Nays

Fixing mobile usability issues to comply with Google
This quick start guide shows you how to quickly address the key mobile issues that result in a failing grade for Google, which now factors in mobile usability in determining a site's ranking.